Here's to wire wrapping! It's feels like so long since I've wire wrapped a stone and I've forgotten how much I love wire wrapping. I've been wire wrapping small beads for years now and have always enjoyed making various designs with wire but I have never wire wrapped a stone until last year in September. I got commissioned to wire wrap some stones from a couple of artisans I meet at central market and I decided to take the challenge. I warned them in advance I might not be able to do it but they didn't mind. The next day I googled wire wrapping stones and got some great advice. I decided to take it a little further, however, and added swirls to the stones to make them more stunning. I'm pleased to say that the artisans were very please with the stones and in exchange I got some very nice quartz crystals in exchange. I have yet to put them up on my site but I will do so shortly. I haven't done much with wire wrapping stones since but I decided I wanted to try again and much to my surprise I rediscovered my love for it. I suppose wire wrapping is just one of my many passions but I do love it! These are examples of my latest pieces that I've been working on. You can check them out at my site at
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