I have recently been mentioned on giveaway blog where I have conducted an interview and am giving away one of my products for free. For a chance to win please check it out at http://giveawayblogdom.blogspot.com/2011/02/meet-handmade-artist-jilted-rose.html.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
The Fun and The Funky Debut
Hey all! I just joined an awesome guild on artfire called Jewelry Creators Unite In Numbers. Go check it out if you're currently a jewelry designer selling on artfire! I recently created a collection of some pieces of guild members that I thought were really fun and some funky and neat which ended up, in my opinion as an awesome collection. To your right is one of my own funky pieces. Listed below are some great jewelry makers that were featured in my collection that I thought you should all check out and give some love to. Enjoy!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Custom Rings Available Soon!
After posting wire rings for sale and receiving many questions regarding a custom ring I have now ordered various different colors of swarovski crystals for rings. If anyone wants one then I can do a custom order.
What I'll need is:
Ring size: if you don't know your size check out this page
Type of wire you desire: 20 gauge silver plated or brass artistic wire
Type of design on pendant: swirls, zig zags, or simply a surprise. Please keep in mind that no one ring will be exactly the same, I am not a machine, I just try to make what works best and looks beautiful!
Color and shape of swarovski: 20 mm avant-garde and 14 mm cosmic swarovski are the shapes and I'll be posting colors later and the pictures of them.
I will have my shipment of wire and swarovski around a week from now. I'll post some examples up of the brass wire and different looks once I finally get the shipment.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Valentines Delight
Wishing everyone an amazing Valentines Day! If anyone is interested in checking out an awesome collection for Valentines Day you should check it out at http://news.deviantart.com/article/143577/. I found out about because one of my pieces is being featured in it. This is really an amazing collection of artists that is a must see so go check it out and spread some love this Valentines Day!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Wire Wrapped Delight!
Here's to wire wrapping! It's feels like so long since I've wire wrapped a stone and I've forgotten how much I love wire wrapping. I've been wire wrapping small beads for years now and have always enjoyed making various designs with wire but I have never wire wrapped a stone until last year in September. I got commissioned to wire wrap some stones from a couple of artisans I meet at central market and I decided to take the challenge. I warned them in advance I might not be able to do it but they didn't mind. The next day I googled wire wrapping stones and got some great advice. I decided to take it a little further, however, and added swirls to the stones to make them more stunning. I'm pleased to say that the artisans were very please with the stones and in exchange I got some very nice quartz crystals in exchange. I have yet to put them up on my site but I will do so shortly. I haven't done much with wire wrapping stones since but I decided I wanted to try again and much to my surprise I rediscovered my love for it. I suppose wire wrapping is just one of my many passions but I do love it! These are examples of my latest pieces that I've been working on. You can check them out at my site at www.jiltedrosecreations.artfire.com.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Stunning collections
I have recently created two collections of gorgeous pieces from various artists on artfire. Come check them out and spread the word. View them at Passions of Red and Perfectly Purple Jewelry. One of my pieces was also featured in a collection. Check it out at Heart Beat, my piece featured in the collection is the blue swarovski heart earrings. I was also thinking of starting to make wire wrapped rings, if there is anything in particular you want to see then let me know and I'll be happy to make it if it's within reason. I was also considering doing a promotion where if you buy a certain amount you get a free gift, possibly a pair of earrings or, if I start making rings, a ring. Let me know what you think and please, help spread the word, a business is nothing with out the help of its customers and friends support. Thank you!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Sterling Silver and Swarovski
I don't know about you but I feel like swarovki crystals look stunning when used on silver. The pictures shown are two of my new designs, each using 2 swarovski bicones and a swarovski heart on a sterling silver design. The combination looks beautiful to me but you let me know what you think. What I may like may be totally different from your tastes. I'd like to know your thoughts.
One of my favorite things to do is wire wrapping. I always have a blast when shaping wire and sometimes get carried away in some of my wire wrapping. I have yet to show some good examples of that for you but I assure you that I will get around to it. This is just a little taste of what I do but I love it! These are so simple yet they are stunning and I really do believe the swarovski crystals look marvelous when combined with silver. I thought I'd show you that I haven't died and that I am still working on making more jewelry designs.
One of my favorite things to do is wire wrapping. I always have a blast when shaping wire and sometimes get carried away in some of my wire wrapping. I have yet to show some good examples of that for you but I assure you that I will get around to it. This is just a little taste of what I do but I love it! These are so simple yet they are stunning and I really do believe the swarovski crystals look marvelous when combined with silver. I thought I'd show you that I haven't died and that I am still working on making more jewelry designs.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Copper Hearted Earrings
A new piece I just made today and I am extremely happy with them. I first got the idea by everyone bringing up valentines day and different gifts for then and I thought, well maybe I should try to make something. I originally was going to simply have the hearts be flat but as I started cutting them out and the metal bended I realized how interesting the hearts were when they lifted upwards. Took me a few broken blades to make these hearts and by the end I wasn't sure if my last blade would hold but I guess I have to call these miracle hearts. They definitely wanted to be made and the end result was definitely worth it. The two hearts are actually a little different from the other because I drew each out separately to create two different hearts that thought they are different they are the same and blend perfectly like two hearts beating as one that are from two different people yet are both hearts and therefore a like. I posted them up on my artfire site. Come check it out and let me know what you think!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Cuttlefish Cast Piece!
My newest addition to my artfire shop! It was a blast making this piece, however, it did smell horrible when I was actually casting the piece. Simply terrible! I will never forget the stench but it was worth it. At first I wasn't sure what to do with the piece, it was something I merely had fun carving into the cuttlefish bone. I started playing with some wire, making it conform into the confines of the cuttlefish piece and it just went from there. I made the bezel dented to relate to the textured surface cuttlefish is known for while the wire holds it in place and ties the wire wrapped necklace into the pendant nicely. This has got to be one of my favorite metals projects ever! It's hard to part with my pieces, this one especially, but I want the world to share my joy and someone else to have a chance to cherish this piece. Check out the piece at my artfire site and tell me what you think!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
A Little Celebration!
Just got 279 page views in just 8 days, makes me feel happy!!! Most popular view is my green and gold beauty shown here that is currently for sale at my artfire shop! I also finally signed up for twitter so come and follow me! Just thought I'd share my excitement with everyone. I would also like to ask a little challenge of everyone. Share my blog on your facebook page or visit my facebook page (shown under websites to the top right of page) and share my links to your facebook page if you like my jewelry and comment back to me here. With your help we can spread the word to people and, of course, I will figure out a reward. I was thinking about a free giveaway but I still need to figure out the terms and conditions so if you have any ideas please post some comments here, I'm always happy to hear suggestions!
Friday, February 4, 2011
What's your style?
Everyone has their own, unique tastes and it's easy for a jewelry designer to forget that what they create might not be what their customers will like. It's true that someone will eventually come by and love it but it's always a great idea to keep in mind what the consumer will want. So tell me about it! What do you want to see being made? What kind of jewelry are you interested in? What types of material do you love? Which jewelry pieces of mine are you favorite? And which ones not so much? Come on and voice up your opinion! Don't worry about hurting my feelings, constructive criticism is what keeps artists on the right track and gives them the feedback they need to hear.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Some Fun Helpful Tips
Green Finger: If you have a ring that is turning your finger green, a simple solution is to coat it with clear nail polish. Presto! No more green finger. Of course you could always buy some wax to coat the piece but that is a bit more expensive than a 99c bottle.
Tarnishing Metal: If you keep your pieces in plastic bag when not in use you'll find that it keeps the metal from tarnishing. And if they are already tarnish then get a polishing cloth at a jewelry store or, if silver, take a shower with it on. It usually polishes the piece quite nicely, in my experience, if you rub some of the soap on it while you're at it!
Keeping Rings Shiny: Keep your rings on when washing your hands, you'll find that you'll never have to polish your rings ever again. Isn't that nice!
Tarnishing Metal: If you keep your pieces in plastic bag when not in use you'll find that it keeps the metal from tarnishing. And if they are already tarnish then get a polishing cloth at a jewelry store or, if silver, take a shower with it on. It usually polishes the piece quite nicely, in my experience, if you rub some of the soap on it while you're at it!
Keeping Rings Shiny: Keep your rings on when washing your hands, you'll find that you'll never have to polish your rings ever again. Isn't that nice!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Why Swarovski?
It all started when I began working at Hersheypark for an independent vender. By then I was already designing jewelry in my spare time. When I started working at the leather shop I noticed one of the things they did was simply string up swarovski hearts by themselves or with 2 crystal bicones and put them out for sale. Well I immediately fell in love with the look of the swarovski hearts and, of course, started to design more interesting and fun patterns and designs for the crystals to hang from. I'm always coming up with new designs for them and I can't bring myself to stop. For me it's always exiting to come up with something new and different for something I've already been doing for quite some time. I've just designed a few new earrings that will shortly be posted on either/both my etsy shop and/or artfire shop. Go ahead, check it out, and tell me what you think!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
About Jilted Rose Creations
Here's a bit about myself and about how Jilted Rose Creations came to be.
Working with beads and creating jewelry has been my hobby and my life in a special way for many years. What kick started my interest in art was meeting one of my teacher's sons when I was only 10. He gave a demonstration to the class on how to draw as well as show off some of the work he did for magazines. I was pretty much hooked after that. My parents got me started by buying me a starter kit and, like any parent, they thought I was quite the little artist. Art brought happiness, joy, and a sense of purpose in my life as well as a way of expressing myself that I never had before. A new pathway opened up for me and by then I knew I wanted to be an artist.
When I was 12 my neighbor showed me her mothers jewelry tools, some of her pieces and gems she had found on digs. Since I already had a passion for stones this sparked my curiousity. A couple years later I decided that I wanted to try jewelry making but seeing as my school offered no classes on the craft I resorted to books and taught myself with hours of frustration and failure until I improved upon my techniques. I soon realized that working with beads and stones was something that I could see myself doing for the rest of my life. No matter the risks I was more than willing to pursue my new beloved hobby and make it my life. Once in college I took courses in metals and fell in love instantly. I hope to bring some metals pieces into the business once I learn more, but my real passion lies in beading at the current moment.
I am currently trying my hand in selling my jewelry online. I'm still new to all of this so it'll probably take me a while to figure out how to go about being productive and learning all the does and don't of creating a website. I've been playing with names for a very long time and jilted rose creations stuck. I absolutely adore roses and I've always had a fascination with the word jilted for some odd reason. Some people are horrified when I tell them my business name but it really does fit. I rip apart unwanted jewelry and use the beads with new one to create a totally new piece with a life of its own, therefore jilted has purchase in the foundation of the name. Those piece were jilted by previous owner only to be discovered and created anew into something as beautiful as the rose.
I would really appreciate it if you would leave feedback about my sites; artfire, etsy, and last but certainly not least weebly! Thanks!
Working with beads and creating jewelry has been my hobby and my life in a special way for many years. What kick started my interest in art was meeting one of my teacher's sons when I was only 10. He gave a demonstration to the class on how to draw as well as show off some of the work he did for magazines. I was pretty much hooked after that. My parents got me started by buying me a starter kit and, like any parent, they thought I was quite the little artist. Art brought happiness, joy, and a sense of purpose in my life as well as a way of expressing myself that I never had before. A new pathway opened up for me and by then I knew I wanted to be an artist.
When I was 12 my neighbor showed me her mothers jewelry tools, some of her pieces and gems she had found on digs. Since I already had a passion for stones this sparked my curiousity. A couple years later I decided that I wanted to try jewelry making but seeing as my school offered no classes on the craft I resorted to books and taught myself with hours of frustration and failure until I improved upon my techniques. I soon realized that working with beads and stones was something that I could see myself doing for the rest of my life. No matter the risks I was more than willing to pursue my new beloved hobby and make it my life. Once in college I took courses in metals and fell in love instantly. I hope to bring some metals pieces into the business once I learn more, but my real passion lies in beading at the current moment.
I am currently trying my hand in selling my jewelry online. I'm still new to all of this so it'll probably take me a while to figure out how to go about being productive and learning all the does and don't of creating a website. I've been playing with names for a very long time and jilted rose creations stuck. I absolutely adore roses and I've always had a fascination with the word jilted for some odd reason. Some people are horrified when I tell them my business name but it really does fit. I rip apart unwanted jewelry and use the beads with new one to create a totally new piece with a life of its own, therefore jilted has purchase in the foundation of the name. Those piece were jilted by previous owner only to be discovered and created anew into something as beautiful as the rose.
I would really appreciate it if you would leave feedback about my sites; artfire, etsy, and last but certainly not least weebly! Thanks!
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